Become a vendor

Interested in partnering with Maps Adventure and Tours? Join us as a vendor and showcase your services to a wider audience. We’ll guide you through every step of the process.

How does it work?

Why be a Local Expert


  How will I receive my payment?

How will I receive my payment?
Once a booking is completed and the service is delivered, payments will be transferred to your designated account. Our payment cycle ensures that vendors are paid promptly through a secure process, typically within 7 business days after the service is rendered.

  How do I upload products/services?

Log into your vendor account, navigate to the “Products/Services” section, and click “Add New Service.” Follow the prompts to upload descriptions, pricing, images, and other relevant details. You can edit or update your offerings anytime through your dashboard.

  How do I update or extend my availabilities?

You can update or extend your availabilities by logging into your vendor dashboard. From there, you can manage your calendar and availability settings to reflect your current schedule. Simply edit the dates and times you're available to accept bookings.

  How do I increase conversion rate?

How do I increase conversion rate?
To improve your conversion rate, consider optimizing your service descriptions with clear, detailed information, high-quality images, and competitive pricing. Responding quickly to inquiries and maintaining positive reviews from past customers also enhances your visibility and trust on the platform.